The Zerominist

The Zerominist is the story of a 6-months trip to discover eco-feminist initiatives, with the aim to travel by land and to reduce my waste as much as possible.

During those six months from India back to Paris I tried to understand why women everywhere are raising their voices to get back to a way of consuming food that is safer for the planet and for us. I discovered that beyond the environmental aspect, they are all using agriculture as a tool to lead social projects in favour of women rights, protecting native communities or making education accessible for all.

Holy Cow ! Les vaches sacrées de l’Inde

Première semaine à Navdanya Namaste ! Une semaine s’est déjà écoulée à Navdanya (la ferme écologique de Vandana Shiva si vous avez suivi). Mon arrivée le week-end dernier coïncidait avec la fête nationale indienne (Republic Day). Nous l’avons célébrée tous en cercle en chantant des chansons, en récitant des poèmes et bien sûr avec le…