The Trip

They are famous or unknown. Their names are Vandana Shiva, Shi Yan, or Saraa. From India to China, from the Mongol steppe to the Altai Mountains, from Kerala’s dampness to the ice cold winds of Siberia, women are working towards an agriculture better for the earth and for the community. Whether it’s in an act of political resistance or as a manifesto for the protection of native cultures, they use their knowledge to fight for a brighter future.

For 6 months I visit them and discover their ecological, social and cultural initiatives. I share their daily life and their work during this (almost) zero-waste trip by land.

The story starts in Dehradun, northern India, as I visit the farm of the famous and sometimes criticized Vandana Shiva, head of an eco-feminist movement in India, fighting for more than 30 years against Monsanto and for an “earth democracy”, that would be sustainable both for the environment and for the farmers.

It then continues in Kerala, in a small orphanage for Dalit girls with the ambition to become self-sustainable, before I reach and eco-village in the South-West of China, a big CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm near Beijing, nomad families in Mongolia, the Russian Taïga and an eco-farm / cultural project south of Moscow.

The traveler

Traveling is a passion and a damaging addiction for our planet. After contemplating my carbon footprint as I traveled mostly in South America, I decided to do things differently this time. The project was to go from India back to Paris by land, in order to reduce my CO2 emissions due to air travel.

To lower my impact furthermore, I decided to challenge myself to be as “zero-waste” as possible : home-made cosmetics, tote bag, gourd and tupperware in my backpack, I tried to reduce my waste and not leave anything behind.

I also wanted to travel far from social networks. Unlogging from every account, I told my adventures to my friends and family through a weekly newsletter.

Now that I’m back, I’ll share on this blog some advice and stories about this experience.